Saturday, 20 February 2016

Developing Clean Biomass Energy Using Briquettes Machines

Visualize about the food and other requirements of crore of people being well met. It is cleaned and processed cereals and pulses, coffee and coir, groundnut and oil, etc. that are made available in the market. What about the residues? These residues such as rice husk, jute sticks, bagasse, groundnut shells, coffee husk, mustard stalks are produced in huge quantities. They only pollute the environment.

Thanks to the emergence of briquette press manufacturers, who have revolutionized conversion efficiency of agro residues, facilitating the development of biomass energy resources. No more widespread air pollution or low thermal efficiency when loose biomass is directly burnt! No disposal of carbonaceous ash or sawdust!

The growing importance of the use of briquettes in homes and for industrial uses and the easy availability of technology solutions for conversion have only mitigated the various pollution problems related with agro residues. Awareness needs to be spread on a large scale so that biomass energy is properly exploited, thus saving the environment and saving the earth's natural resources for future generations.

Technological solutions for converting agro residues into biomass energy are generally available in two types - screw press and reciprocating ram/piston press. Briquetting plant of both types is used worldwide. Extensive exploitation of available technological solutions locally is still an issue and is yet to get a robust foothold, though the energy sources produced act as alternate fuel for wood, coal and lignite. But technical constraints are no longer a problem, as innovators and developers are manufacturing solutions to suit local conditions. It is lack of knowledge to adapt to the technology that is the constraint.

Where use of renewable source of energy is advocated on a large scale to conserve the earth's natural resources including forestry, the government should spread awareness about the importance of the production and use of biomass energy. Easy availability of raw materials for producing biomass energy in almost every village is an advantage in India.
Biomass densification is no new phenomenon. Use of briquettes machines, though limited, has been popular since the 1950s in several countries. This industry is still at its nascent stage in India. The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), a finance granting agency, has financed many a projects with a view to improve this segment.

It is the piston press type of technology that is exploited more in India. IREDA regularly holds seminars to educate entrepreneurs, especially manufacturers about the attributes of biomass energy, technological innovations, etc. directed towards reviving this industry in India. Recent developments in technology have indeed initiated the interest factor in the Indian manufacturing community and end users alike.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

How Does Briquetting Contribute In Green Environment?

Industries are one of the major requirements for growth of any country's economy. Even the government provides subsidies to encourage people to set up new business and contribute in country's growth. No doubt it can bring revolutionary change in country, but at the cost of its environment. Higher the number of industries more will be the pollution and life risk.

So what should be done? Shouldn't there be any industrial growth in the country? Should people learn to live in polluted environment and get ready to hazardous diseases? What should be done with the waste created by the industries?
There are numerous such questions. Whatever is the situation, you can't deny the fact that companies will continue to be established. What we can do is to find out the solution to protect environment from the threats created by the industries. The solution of this problem is to look for techniques to protect environment by effectively using waste created by the companies and one such technique is briquetting plant. These can be set up anywhere in the company.

How can briquetting control pollution?

Innovation of briquetting machines has brought a revolutionary change in India. It not only helps in eradicating pollution, but also enables industrialists to effectively use the waste material. Briquette plants are designed with an in-built technology to convert waste into briquettes without using any kind of harmful chemical.

As far as environment protection is concerned, these don't emit any harmful gas on burning, which is the best feature of briquetting process. The briquetting machines effectively recycle agricultural waste, wooden waste and animal waste, which is otherwise considered useless. Besides wooden waste, there are machines which also process metals and metal dust.
Looking at the unmatched benefits and high demand of these machines, a number of manufacturers have come into this business. If you visit online you will find a long list of briquetting press suppliers offering a wide range of machines. These machines are equally effective for the domestic use as well as industrial use. The suppliers provide these in different sizes, shapes and budgets to meet with the varied requirements of customers.