Sunday, 25 October 2015

How To Convert Daily Waste Into A Fuel Source?

Waste is something considered useless. People take daily waste as a worthless thing that can either be burnt or just dumped in landfills. But this article includes techniques to convert the daily waste into an alternative fuel source called briquettes.

For most of the people waste is nothing but worthless material left after consumption or use of main products. You will be shocked to know that waste is not always a valueless material. With some right techniques, processing and care, you can easily convert waste into an energy source.


It might sound strange, but for people indulged in energy conservation, daily waste can easily be recycled and reused at every stage of consumption. So, this does not remain just a want not thing; rather from resource efficiency point of view, daily waste becomes a useful resource.

The first step in the process is waste classification. Based on the usage and sources, daily waste can be classified into varied categories like municipal waste, residential waste, industrial waste, construction waste, biomass waste, harmful waste etc. Residential waste is the most common waste generated in huge quantities. This includes wastes created in daily usage in households, kitchens, gardens, paper, textile, plastic and other organic waste. Batteries and electronic waste is categorized as hazardous waste, so it has to be segregated carefully.

To convert the daily waste into energy resource you should first determine it for composition. Moisture content, calorific value and chemical composition are the main factors you should consider to ensure proper briquetting process. Briquettes press machines get affected by these contents in the raw material and provide varied quality briquettes. Better the composition higher will be the density of the briquettes and longer will be burning time.

Besides other things, you must check chemical composition of the raw material you want to use for conversion as briquettes. It refers to presence of different elements like carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur, to name a few. The chemical composition has huge impact on quality of the briquettes, their burning time and the eco-friendliness of the fuel.

Conversion Process:

1. Mechanical fragmentation of the raw material through crushing machine is the first step, which is termed as raw material preparation.

2. The next step is to dry the crushed material to ensure required moisture content for proper briquettes.

3. And the last step is to process the dried raw material in briquetting press machine to convert the daily waste into briquettes. Extreme pressure and high temperature bind the raw material into solid logs of varied shapes of different dimensions.

The briquettes produced from daily waste can be effectively used in boiler plants, industrial furnaces, domestic kitchens, thermal power stations and other uses in manufacturing units.

Now do you still think daily waste is a worthless thing?

Saturday, 24 October 2015

On This Diwali Make Money from Burnt Money

Burnt money!! I know you are shocked, how can someone burn money.
In India people spend huge money on firecrackers and what they do with them. They just burn it to get momentary happiness. So, isn’t it burning money?

Now the next question is, ‘how to make money from this burnt money?’
Firecrackers create enormous amount of waste in terms of paper and other materials used in cracker making. You can collect this paper waste and make briquettes in briquetting machines to effectively recycle the waste. Further, you can sale these briquettes as an energy source and can make money from the burnt money.

Is additional income the only benefit from briquettes from firecracker waste?

No, there are multiple other benefits also and the major among them is the environment protection. Firecracker burning in itself is highly dangerous for the environment. Made from harmful chemicals these contain copper, cadmium, barium etc. which create toxic gases when burnt and remain in the environment for long time.

The air pollution created from fire crackers is a big cause of many lung diseases like lung cancer. Not only this, when you combust the waste created from the firecracker burning, it further creates more pollution. By converting this waste into briquettes, you can get rid of the harmful chemical in it and get an eco friendly fuel source.

Though the major thought should be to minimize use of firecrackers on Diwali and celebrate it in eco-friendly manner, there are people who still use it. When we can’t control people from bursting crackers, at least we can control aftereffects by properly recycling the waste created from them.

So, after Diwali don’t directly burn the waste created by the firecrackers, just collect it and forward it to some briquette making company for briquetting process.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Realize The Situation: Wake Up Before It’s Too Late

It is a fact, which needs to be revised that the whole living world depends on environment for their survival.  But many of the Earth’s ecosystems are nearing censorious tipping points of exhaustion or irreversible changes.

It has been evaluated that by 2050, if the current consumption and production patterns remain the same and with the ascending population, which is expected to reach 9.6 billion, we will need three planets to succor our ways of living and consumption.

In the past decade India had seen a rapid economic growth, which has proven to be beneficial from every aspect. But the flip side, of the development is bore by the environment. Our natural resources like coal, water, forest and ecosystem have degraded and the scarcity is growing day-by-day. We should adopt biomass briquettes made from briquette plant, as it is one the most efficient way to handle and convert waste into solid fuel.

A new report by the World Bank finds that environmental degradation costs India $ 80 billion per year or 5-7 % of its economy. It is a serious concern, which needs to be addressed on a serious note.

We need to take strong initiative in our day-today life also in order to build a better world. We can do such things to protect environment like-

• Encourage better administration and public transportation, which will save fuel. Motivate car pooling as it helps to cut down the fuel consumption.

• Encourage briquettes usage, as it ensures proper utilization of waste material and provides cheap fuel. They are made from agro-waste material and it ensures the no chemical is used.

• Recycle electronic waste as electronic or e-waste is a growing environmental problem and encourage use of recyclable products.

• Mining and metal processing need to be reduced and awareness and concerns of environment need to be raised.

The resulting environmental degradation is posing concerns over the livelihood also. In a nut shell, it can be summed up that we humans are eating away our own life support systems at an alarming rate and we need to wake up before it’s too late.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

What Are Some Of The Techniques For Effective Utilization Of Agro Waste?

Agro – forestry waste offers remarkable ecological and economical benefits, if used efficiently. Implementation of better regulations for agro forestry will lead to ecological benefits.

There are many benefits of planting trees alongside agricultural crops such as:
• Preventing soil erosion

• Protecting crops from wind damage

• Ensuring proper drainage

• Sequestering carbon

• Allowing more diverse crops to be grown on the same parcel of land.

Our waste lands, forests and agricultural land if utilized properly will yield substantial entitlements and enviable returns to mankind. Let me present you some examples how agro-forestry can be utilized in a better way for sustainable development-

a) Utilization of wood to produce steam:

The forest wood and left outs from agricultural lands can be burnt to produce steam, which in turn is used for power generation through turbines. The power plant uses many other residues like coconut fronds, shell, fiber waste, cotton stalk, straws and stalks of all the plants , rice husk, coffee husk, saw dust, corncobs, wastes from grains like- millets, cereals and many more.

b) Converting agro-waste into bio fuel using Briquette press machine

It is an emerging and eco friendly method, employed to procure best and high class fuel. By using biomass coal briquette technology, in the place of the traditional fuels like coal, petrol, and diesel we can generate high density energy source. Briquetting plant is set up and fed with raw materials ranging from groundnut shells, coconut shells, rice husk, cotton stalks, sunflower stalk, pine needles, coffee husk and other waste from forestry like fallen leaves, tree bark, jute waste, etc.

c) Other uses:

In addition to bio fuel and steam agro-forestry also provides essential resources and services for cosmetics and medicinal use. Many timber wood, leaves and roots can be utilized further, and modified for proper utilization.

It is very necessary to increase the concern of global environment and particularity the benefits of agro forestry waste amongst the poor farmers.  Constant support is initiated by the government for briquettes plant set up.  Government is taking keen interest in raising concerns over sustainable development and utilization of agro-forestry waste.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

How to Choose the Right Briquetting Machine?

In order to preserve our environment, and to ensure new economic growth for every nation, the whole world is joining hands for energy conservation and emission reduction projects.  Biomass briquetting project is a wonderful way to utilize the waste in an efficient manner.

Briquetting is a productive fuel making technique. But it will yield maximum results only when you choose the appropriate raw material and the right machine. Choosing the most felicitous raw material and machine combination carefully will play an important factor in your success journey.

What are the raw materials available for Briquetting?

Briquettes are made from array of raw materials which can be used both in powdery and solid form. They range from biomass scraps, sawdust, woodchips, leaves, twigs, branches, husk to different weeds. Many agro wastes like cotton stalk, peanut shell, rice husk, bean husk are also used widely.

How to settle for the right briquetting machine?

It is always advisable to consult with the machine manufacture about the machine’s processing and suitability for different waste before settling for raw materials. By and large, three significant kind of briquette press can be seen in the market:

• Mechanical type briquette- A mechanical press machines is more preferred for industrial use and also-multi functional in operation. There are many biomass briquette machine suppliers which provide briquetting machines at affordable rates.  Its raw materials are sawdust, straw, stalk and agricultural residues, etc. It has a capacity of 820-1200kg/h.

• Screw press briquetting machine- A screw briquette press is widely used where there is need for the direct burning or conversion of charcoal briquette for more convenient use. Common raw materials used for this machine are peanut shell, crop waste, rice husk, wood, etc.

• Hydraulic briquetting machine- A hydraulic press machine is employed to make briquettes or bricks from wood, sawdust, rice husk, tree branches, straw, rice husk, etc. It is more compact in construction and has a capacity of 125/300kg/h.

Each of the machines is different from each other and they have unique power driven patterns. In order to get your ideal briquettes machine you can always choose from various manufacturers in India who have a wide range of products suiting your need.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Is Setting Up a Briquetting Plant Profitable Business?

Biomass briquettes are used all over the world as a kind of organic energy, which has been used to produce renewable source of fuel. Know why setting up a briquetting plant is a profitable business.

Today, there is an immense need of renewable source of energy because fuel is the lifeline of any industry. It is also required in our day to day lives, but the conventional source of fuels like coal, petroleum and lignite are depleting at an alarming rate, so there has to be some alternative source of fuel. This is possible by setting up a briquetting plant through which briquettes or biomass fuels are produced.

India is primarily an agricultural country and every year tonnes of agro wastes are left in open that cause pollution or are unused. Therefore it is important to find a way out through which these resources can be put to use. The biomass derivatives from plants are stalks, leaves, branches etc. Starting a briquetting plant project is a profitable venture. The briquetting plant machine suppliers have already realised this and are investing in this business initiative.

The Process of Setting up a Plant

The process is quite simple, pollution free and viable in biomass producing areas. The raw material should be available abundantly, which are saw dust, ground nut shell, sugar cane baggase, bamboo dust, wheat husk etc. The plant can be run round-the-clock with different types of briquetting machines like biomass dryer.

Right from inception of an idea to execution proper planning is required. Biomass is also known as white coal and it is a replica of conventional fuels that have zero percent carbon content. Usually the briquetting machines are engineered depending upon the profile of the raw materials. It is wiser to install the plant in region where agro waste is readily available.

How this is a Cheaper Source of Fuel?

Besides being a cheaper source of fuel, it is known for its binderless technology and most important the government and significant authorities have understood its importance. The reputed briquetting machine manufacturers are sparing no means to sanction funds for this project because this project also gives various tax benefits and incentives.

At the end of the day biomass fuel is eco-friendly and cheaper, known for its high thermal calorific value, there is no sulphur content, easy to transport and proportionate as compared to other fuel. It gives sustained fuel and has lower ignition point. Sometimes it can also be mixed with firewood and coal to improve the burning efficiency.

It is worth investing in a briquetting plant project for its high profitability, easy return on investments, high potential for employment and leads to conversation of natural resources. In India alone the project has been lucrative in states like Gujarat and North India. In future it has more prospects and the opportunities are innumerable.