Monday, 23 March 2015

Control Spreading Of Lantana Camara Weed with Briquetting

Have you heard about Lantana Camara? It is a type of invasive weed covering forests in India. The forest departments are looking for options to eradicate this weed and save the forests. The problem with the weed is it continuous spreading even after removing again and again. The department has been researching different uses of the weed to use it and cut it, but there are very limited options. Worth noticeable initiative taken by the authorities is use of the weed for briquette making.


Yes, briquetting offers double benefits to the forest authorities. First it provides them a right use of lantana and second gives a sustainable energy source. This is the reason why briquette industry is flourishing in India. In a short span of time demand of Have you heard about Lantana Camara? It is a type of invasive weed covering forests in India. The forest departments are looking for options to eradicate this weed and save the forests. The problem with the weed is it continuous spreading even after removing again and again. The department has been researching different uses of the weed to use it and cut it, but there are very limited options. Worth noticeable initiative taken by the authorities is use of the weed for briquette making.


Yes, briquetting offers double benefits to the forest authorities. First it provides them a right use of lantana and second gives a sustainable energy source. This is the reason why briquette industry is flourishing in India. In a short span of time demand of briquetting plant in India has grown rapidly.

As we know India is an agriculture based country and tons of waste is generated every year. Normally this waste is burnt, but with the invention of briquetting machines, this waste is also recycled effectively. As far as lantana is concerned, this is a poisonous weed, with harmful effects. By processing this weed in briquetting machines, this can be effectively used as a fuel. It also helps you save money on expensive bio fuel like coal. Biomass briquettes can be effectively used at both the household and industrial level. This is completely safe to use as a cooking fuel. In villages where people either use firewood or dung cakes, the briquettes made from these materials provide an adequate fuel source with zero pollution.

It is very easy and quick to set up a briquetting plant. You just need to take care of a few facts to ensure that you get maximum benefits from the briquetting plant machine.

• Make sure you have required quantity of raw material. For instance, if you start a plant by relying on just a single weed, for how long will you be able to get the same weed? So consider using different raw materials.

• You should be aware of the fact that there is limited margin in this industry. You can just start a biomass briquetting plant in India as a side business, not the major earning source. These profits can further go down if you have to source the raw material from faraway places. So set up a plant close to the raw material source as well as final users.

• Also check for the rainfall patterns in your area, as the moisture level in the raw material highly affects the quality of briquettes.
 has grown rapidly.

As we know India is an agriculture based country and tons of waste is generated every year. Normally this waste is burnt, but with the invention of briquetting machines, this waste is also recycled effectively. As far as lantana is concerned, this is a poisonous weed, with harmful effects. By processing this weed in briquetting machines, this can be effectively used as a fuel. It also helps you save money on expensive bio fuel like coal. Biomass briquettes can be effectively used at both the household and industrial level. This is completely safe to use as a cooking fuel. In villages where people either use firewood or dung cakes, the briquettes made from these materials provide an adequate fuel source with zero pollution.

It is very easy and quick to set up a briquetting plant. You just need to take care of a few facts to ensure that you get maximum benefits from the briquetting plant machine.

• Make sure you have required quantity of raw material. For instance, if you start a plant by relying on just a single weed, for how long will you be able to get the same weed? So consider using different raw materials.

• You should be aware of the fact that there is limited margin in this industry. You can just start a biomass briquetting plant in India as a side business, not the major earning source. These profits can further go down if you have to source the raw material from faraway places. So set up a plant close to the raw material source as well as final users.

• Also check for the rainfall patterns in your area, as the moisture level in the raw material highly affects the quality of briquettes.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Biomass Briquetting Press Machine for Smokeless Fuel

For sustainable growth of any country, there is dire need of putting a check on increasing pollution. A safe and healthy environment has numerous benefits for the society, animals, its growth and the coming generation. Burning fuel to create energy in different industries and homes is a requirement that cannot be ignored. But the problem is the pollution created by them.

This is true that we can't ignore the use fuel sources; we can just look for their alternatives. And one of the perfect alternatives for smokeless fuel is briquettes. These are formed from biomass briquetting machines. Biomass briquetting press machine suppliers provide a range of machines for different buyers. These machines have different production capacity and raw material processing techniques. Based on budget, space availability and raw material, different buyers opt for the suitable machine.

Common features of different biomass briquetting machines:

• Simple structure

• No need of chemicals and adhesives

• Hassle free operation

• Reliable manufacturing

• Cost effective

• Efficiency to process different raw materials

• Easy maintenance

These are some of the reasons behind growing popularity of briquetting machines. In order to get the maximum benefits from your investment in the machines, you should buy fuel briquetting press machine from a reliable manufacturer or supplier in India. You should also be very careful with the raw material you put in the machine for the processing. Ensure the raw material has required moisture level, as both the high or low level can affect the quality of briquettes.

As the briquettes are manufactured from agro waste like husk, leaves, wood chips etc. these don't pollute environment. Unlike other fuels like coal or lignite, the briquettes don't emit harmful gases or smoke. These also have high burning capacity. Industries with huge demand of fuel like paper, mining and brick making find it really effective replacement of conventional fuel. They also find it cost effective and eco-friendly.

How to buy a briquetting machine?

Though you can easily find manufacturers and suppliers of briquetting machines all across the world, it would be better to buy it from an Indian seller. They are more reliable and offer high quality machines at affordable rates. Briquetting press machine available in India is best both in quality and cost. They also provide technical support and send their local experts to help you out with the installation process.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Importance of Briquetting Process in Modern Times

What is the major problem of modern society?

Yes, it is pollution causing hazardous and incurable diseases. Increasing usage of vehicles, establishment of so many industries and ineffective dumping of waste material are some of the major causes of pollution. Reducing forests and uncontrollable cutting of trees have further worsened the situation.

Increasing pollution is not the only concern, but the reducing natural resources due to excessive extraction of these are also a problem. The problem is getting complicated for there is no option than using these things like vehicles, boilers in industries and farming. In this situation, when life is getting difficult on the earth, briquetting process has come up as a boon. The briquette machine plant has a number of benefits and solutions for many problems faced by modern society.

In this technology the bio fuel is produced through waste material like wood, saw dust, peanut shells etc. This process has multiple benefits for the users, producers and the environment. Made from just wood waste and with no chemicals or binding agent, these briquettes are perfect alternative of fossil fuel. Find below other benefits of briquetting in modern society:

Cost saving: With decreasing resources and increasing demand of fossil fuel, there prices are shooting up. In this situation, biomass briquetting process provides a cost effective alternative. Further biomass briquetting machine suppliers offer cost effective machines to make it possible for the buyers to invest in machines and protect environment.

Tree protection: In villages in developing countries like India, people still depend on trees to get fuel. Here biomass briquettes provide renewable energy sources just from the fallen trees, leaves and other waste material. Agriculture waste is also a perfect raw material for briquettes. Another reason of replacing tree logs with briquettes is environment protection. Burning direct wood creates hazardous gases, while these converted logs don't emit any kind of harmful gases. Furthermore, these burn longer than conventional fuel.

Useful in different industries: The use of biomass briquettes is not just limited to domestic kitchens. These are equally effective in different industries dependent on fuel sources like paper making industry, brick kiln etc. Many companies in developed countries like UK contact briquetting press exporters in India to buy machines at affordable rates.