Friday, 25 April 2014

The Scope of Briquetting Plant India in Near Future

Today pollution is on rise that it has created an adverse effect not only in our surrounding but in daily lives too. There was a time when all kinds of waste were burnt or destroyed without understanding about its environmental use. Many developed countries produce huge amounts of agro wastes that cause extensive effects on environment when dumped freely. Therefore briquetting plant India has come up to create wealth out of waste because fuel is precious and if not used properly it will perish leaving behind no options.

Briquetting plant manufacturer India is regarded as an energy saver that produces 100 % pollution free fuel. The biomass briquettes manufactured at these plants are used in various household and commercial purposes. It works on a simple technology that converts bio-waste and agro products into biomass fuel. Waste material which is often regarded as rubbish is utilized and this helps to keep the Earth green.

Even government has sanctioned several briquetting press manufacturers in India because it has understood its benefits of switching over to non-conventional means of fuel like biomass energy. It is not only environment-friendly but becomes easy on your pocket too. Under this project, companies install wood powder making machines to churn our wood briquettes. It is much better than coal or lignite because biomass fuel does not emit harmful gases like carbon dioxide.

India is an agricultural country with rich source of agro based raw material and this can be useful in replacing wood, black coal and other means of fuel that are harmful for our environment. Energy is the needed for the economic development of country and to substitute the demand for growing energy in industries nothing can be better than briquettes. It is manufactured without adding any bidder which means that cost is comparatively less than producing any other conventional fuel like petrol, diesel or kerosene. This also helps in transportation and storage without much hassle.

Briquetting plant India is not leading the nation towards development but saving foreign currency which otherwise would had to spent in fuel. This also makes agricultural waste useful thus helping the farmers of India get best value for their crops. Today even they too can dream of electricity and other facilities that are available only in cities. The wastages can be converted into high density briquetting at these plants and there is a wide scope of biomass fuel in India.

In near future India will be considered as green energy corridor which will facilitate renewable source of energy. This means that there will be less power-cuts and with a culture where companies are willing to be global leaders India is sure to prosper on green energy procurement. Read here to know more about the briquetting technology and its future in India.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Prime Benefits of Bio-mass Briquettes

It comes as no surprise that fossil sources of energy like coal and oil will be exhausted in near future. Therefore we should get into the habit of wasting less energy, changing our lifestyle and find out ways to save energy. It is important to understand the benefits of bio-mass briquettes because it is a substantial source of energy which is used for producing green electricity and other kinds of energy.

Before producing further let us understand what is biomass energy in details? It is the energy which is produced from trash which can be agricultural residues, crops, log resides, industrial woods and portion of municipal wastes which come under biomass stock. Biomass fuel is also known as bio-fuels which can be in any state of matter.

Biomass is abundantly found on Earth and it is easy to convert into a highly potential energy. It is also cheaper than conventional sources of fuel like coal, lignite, petrol or diesel. Therefore, briquettes machines can be used to process biomass briquettes which are re-saturation of waste lands. On the other hand unused agricultural lands are put into use that generates jobs in rural villages.

Briquettes are flammable cylindrical blocks that are made from compressed shredded combustion materials. No chemical is used in manufacturing these products but sometimes a biding agent like starch is needed to hold the matter and baked under high pressure. Some of the common materials from the environment like crop stalks, rice chaff, sawdust, mineral char and charcoal fines are used to process the matter.

Here are some major benefits of biomass briquettes:

• It is a dense fuel which makes it easier to handle, store and transport.

• Briquettes are uniform in size and superior in quality

• It reduces air pollution and lead towards a greener environment.

• It has low moisture content due to which they burn slowly that too in a controlled manner.

• Even utility industries are using biomass which can replace coal which is used as a solid source of fuel.

• Compared to other kinds of fuels, briquettes are cleaner as they do not contain any Sulphur.

• Even the cost of briquettes is less than conventional sources of fuel firewood and coal.

• Lastly, they are clean fuel which do not emit poisonous gases and hence known as ‘white coal’.

Fuel is an important source of energy and people around the world need it to lead their lives including major industries. It is like our basic necessity food and clean water but most of time we depend on fossil fuels to source out energy which in return has adverse effect on our planet. However energy produced from a non-conventional source has better benefits and makes our surrounding greener which is done at briquetting machine manufacturers in India. is a renowned and quality supplier of biomass briquetting machines that is used for manufacturing briquettes that have high calorific value and releases no toxic gases.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Which are Top Environmental Issues?

Human beings today are facing a number of environment problems. From different types of pollution to global warming, there are many issues which are harming the environment and ultimately human beings. Here is a list of top environmental issues human beings should concern about:

Global Warming

Global warming is one of the prime concerns for human beings. Global warming is caused by the emission of harmful greenhouses gases like methane and carbon dioxide. These gases are emitted due to improper combustion of gases during different manufacturing processes. Global warming increases the temperature of the earth which ultimately leads to the melting of the ice on the glaciers.


There are different types of pollutions including air, water, soil or land etc. All these are caused by human activities. Air pollution is caused due to mixing of harmful gases like CO2 and methane in the air, water pollution is caused when waste material is dumped into the rivers and seas. It also occurs when harmful chemicals of waste material get absorbed into the land and pollutes ground water. Soil or land pollution occurs when the heaps of garbage is left open at the street sides.

Scarcity of Fossil Fuels

Today, everyone is familiar with this fact that fossil fuels are limited. Still people are wasting them at a rapid rate. If it continues, the day is not far when we all have to live without these fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are non-renewable. It means they can’t be produce again once extinct. Thanks to the availability of alternate fuel options like biofuels, biomass fuels, and briquettes. These renewable fuels are cheaper, easier to produce, and are a best option to be used in the place of limited fossil fuels. These renewable natural fuels serve the same purpose as that of fossil fuels and are available in huge quantity.

Depletion of Ozone Layer

Depletion of ozone layer is another major environmental problem that will ultimately leave adverse effects on human beings. Ozone layer is basically a layer in the atmosphere which is responsible for protecting the earth from harmful ultra violet rays that comes from sun. These ultra violet or UV rays can cause skin cancer in humans and are also harmful for the crops. With the increase in industries and high usage of vehicles more and more carbon dioxide gas is released in the atmosphere which is directly causing to the depletion of this layer. 

Waste Material

Waste coming from residential and commercial areas is also one of the major environmental problems. This waste includes different material which is either dumped into the seas or burnt openly in the air which in turn becoming a reason for aforementioned environmental issues including emission of harmful gases and pollution. With the availability of waste recycling plants, waste material treatment can be done in an environment friendly way. But, people are not much aware of this; that is why we can see heaps of garbage around the roads and streets.

Jay khodiyar Machine Tools have taken an initiative to protect the environment by introducing a range of biofuel machines, briquetting machines which are used in the treatment of waste material and its conversion into useful briquettes. For more information visit Company Website: